Featured Authors & Editors

Katie Fitzgerald, Author

Photo provided by Katie Fitzgerald

Katie Fitzgerald is a 2024 Sparkie Award recipient for Best Romantic Suspense and a Pushcart Prize nominee whose short stories and flash fiction appear online at Spark Flash Fiction and Micromance Magazine, as well as in various print anthologies. She is also the author of Library Lovebirds, an ebook collection of bookish romances, and a novel in flash, The Bennetts Bloom. A trained children's librarian, Katie lives with her academic librarian husband in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC, where she homeschools her son and four daughters.

Katie’s short story “All Year with Anthony” appears in Another Chance to Get It Right: A New Year’s Eve Anthology (2024), and her story “Batter Together” appears in Recipes for Romance: A Sweet Valentine’s Day Anthology, releasing in January 2025. Find out more about Katie at https://bio.site/katiefitzgerald and follow her on Instagram @katiefitzstories.