Short Story Anticipated FAQs
updated 2/27/2025
What is the submission window?
Summer 2025 contest: February 28 through April 19
When will I know if my story has been accepted?
All winners from the Summer 2025 contest will know if they’ve been accepted by April 26.
Who can submit to these contests?
This contest is open internationally. Short stories should be previously unpublished OR authors should hold the rights to publication.
Why are you asking for a submission fee?
I am literally running NFB and its imprint out-of-pocket, so I’m hoping the small submission fee will help cover some of the costs of production, printing, cover design, and promotion/marketing. And I’m intending to provide feedback to all who enter, so that $10 is not going to “waste” in any way!
What is the publishing plan for the anthology?
Release will be as early in July 2025 as possible. It will be printed as paperbacks and released as ebooks. It will be promoted/marketed as budget allows, and ideally, authors included in the anthology will do their part to promote the collection, as well. The marketing budget should allow a cover reveal, release day blast, and review tour, among other opportunities. The NFB Street Team is gathering steam, as well, and should also do its part to help promote.
Beyond the possibility of being published in this anthology by a brand-new publishing company with only a few months of sales history, what is the benefit of submitting to this contest?
Ideally, I want this company to be a stepping stone for authors. I work with many who get to the bottom of query letters and are unable to say they’ve ever published a story or an essay in a collection, magazine, or journal. I work with many more who have never worked with a professional editor before, who have never received a professional critique or edit because it’s simply outside of their budget to do so. I want to be able to offer those experiences to authors who need them, and by creating an opportunity such as a short story contest, and setting up this company in a traditional way, I may be able to give ten to fifteen authors those experiences (and even more will receive feedback even if they aren’t accepted).
If accepted for publication in these anthologies, you will:
Spend $10
Receive 1 to 2 rounds of developmental editing (if needed)
Receive 1 to 2 rounds of line/copy editing (if needed)
Have input in publicity/marketing brainstorming
Be invited into a private chat with the other authors in your anthology, ideally making bookish friends for life ;)
Receive a TBD number of free author copies of the paperback edition of the book. If you are an international author, shipping may make this difficult. We’ll chat.
Receive a discount for copies you want to purchase of the book and any other printed NFB book previously published
Be able to say you’ve been published, if you have not yet been
Be able to tell agents/editors that you’re familiar with the traditional publishing process
I noticed that you partnered with another editor for the Valentine’s Day anthology set. I’m an editor and have an idea for an anthology that I’d like to discuss with you. Are you open to these discussions?
Absolutely! There’s no way I can do all of this alone. Email me directly at or fill out my contact form.
I have short story/novella but it doesn’t fit your contest/anthology. Can I still submit it to receive feedback?
If it’s very obviously not even close to the theme of the anthology, please do not submit it for this contest. If you want to submit it to Attic Ebooks for consideration for publication, you absolutely can. If you’re not ready to query yet and are looking for professional editorial feedback, I still offer that via my editing company, and I’d be happy to chat with you separately over there.
If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to email me!