Valentine’s Day Short Story Contest

Valentine's Day Short Story Contest: Sweet and Spicy Anthology Duo

One of the best ways to get to know another person is over a meal, so these short stories should feature a kitchen, restaurant, cooking/baking (food, etc.) in some way.

Your MC can be a chef or baker, or your characters can bake a cake or attend a cooking class or experience a romantic moonlit dinner. Maybe there’s a meet-cute or a proposal. Maybe there’s heartache or a first kiss. Anything goes, as long as the story unfolds on the days leading up to, on, and/or just after Valentine’s Day.

This Valentine’s Day,
will you keep it sweet or turn up the heat?

Keeping It Sweet?

  • Main characters ages 16+

  • All-inclusive

  • Light kissing & cuddling, closed-door or fade-to-black

  • Light cursing is okay if absolutely necessary (PG-13)

Turning Up the Heat?

  • Main characters ages 18+

  • All-inclusive

  • High spice level, open-door, consensual intimacy

  • Cursing is acceptable (Mature audiences)


  • Deadline to submit: October 16, 2024

  • Open internationally

  • Word Count: 3k to 10k

  • Submission fee: $10 per story

  • You CAN submit to both anthologies.

  • All who submit will receive professional feedback.

  • Stories written using AI will not be accepted.

Why am I paying a fee?

This is a brand-new business, and your fee will go toward the production, printing, and publication of these anthologies. To show my appreciation, you will receive professional feedback on your submission, even if you are not selected for the anthology.