Attic Ebooks

Attic Ebooks is a digital-first imprint and is open to works of all lengths, whether those are short stories, novellas, or full-length novels or nonfiction books.

The possibility for print books exist for longer works and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Acquiring in the Areas Of

At this time, we are looking for only

  • adult and young adult fiction in the areas of contemporary romance, mystery/thriller, cozy mystery, light sci-fi/fantasy/speculative, paranormal romance, and contemporary fiction

    • while middle grade fiction isn’t a huge seller for digital, we are open to considering it

  • adult nonfiction memoir, essay, business, parenting, and practical/how-to

Expectations of the Press

We are looking to add members to the Attic Ebooks team who will actively promote their work but also themselves as creatives. The ideal Attic Ebooks author will be open to collaborating with other Attic Ebooks authors/contributors on promotion and events (if applicable). The motto of Nicole Frail Books and its imprints is Community Over Competition, and that will always be in play.

What & How to Submit

  • An agent is not required to submit to Attic Ebooks

  • For fiction and nonfiction prose, please send your (1) complete query letter, (2) first 10 pages of your manuscript as a Word doc, and (3) a full 1-2 page synopsis of your whole work as a Word doc. Your manuscript should be complete before sending your query. Please paste your query letter in the body of the email and attach your pages and synopsis.

  • For project-based or practical nonfiction, please send your (1) complete query letter, (2) your proposal, complete with tentative table of contents as a Word doc, and (3) a sample chapter from the work as a Word doc. Your manuscript does not need to be complete before sending your query, but you need to have a good grasp of where it’s going. Please paste your query letter in the body of the email and attach your pages and proposal.

  • Please send to and allow for at least 90 days for review before following up/nudging.

  • If you make significant changes to the content of your manuscript, you may request to swap it out, but please do not email with a new manuscript if you found typos or small line errors.